Risk Management for Small Business Owners: Protecting Your Finances from Unforeseen Events

As a small business owner, it's crucial to think about risk management and protecting your finances from unforeseen events. From natural disasters to cyber attacks, there are many threats that can jeopardize your business's financial stability. Here are some tips for protecting your finances and managing risk.

  1. Identify potential risks

    The first step in risk management is to identify potential risks that your business may face. These can include natural disasters, theft, employee fraud, and cyber attacks. Some of these may also include your inability to work for a period of time, among many others. Once you've identified potential risks specific to your business, start taking steps to mitigate them.  It also wouldn't hurt to seek out counsel from others.

  2. Develop a risk management plan 

    A risk management plan is a detailed strategy for managing risks and protecting your business's finances. Your plan should outline the specific steps you will take to mitigate each identified risk. For example, if a natural disaster is a potential risk, your plan should include procedures for evacuating your business and protecting important documents if something is to occur. Maybe even consider ways to hedge the risks you identified.

  3. Purchase insurance

    Insurance can be a crucial tool for protecting your business's finances in the event of an unforeseen event. Consider purchasing general liability insurance, property insurance, cyber insurance, business overhead expense insurance, among others, to mitigate financial risks associated with each potential risk. The insurance you need may be unique to your industry or could differ from another small business, so be sure to do your research or seek out the help from a professional who is qualified to help.

  4. Back up your data

    Data loss can be a major financial risk for small businesses. Backing up your data regularly can help you mitigate this risk. Consider storing your data in the cloud or on an external hard drive, and make sure to test your backups regularly to ensure they're functioning properly.  Another smart practice is to consider redundancy of your backups in the event one fails. Maybe think of this as having more than 1 engine on an airplane… if you only have 1, you're in trouble if it fails.

  5. Stay up-to-date on security practices

    Cyber attacks are becoming increasingly common, so it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest security practices. This includes implementing strong passwords, using anti-virus software, and regularly updating your software.

  6. Build a cash reserve

    Building a cash reserve can help your business weather financial setbacks caused by unforeseen events. Aim to have at least three to six months' worth of expenses saved in your cash reserve.

  7. Review and update your risk management plan regularly 

    As your business evolves and new risks emerge, it's important to review and update your risk management plan regularly. Make sure to test your plan periodically to ensure it's effective and make any necessary adjustments.

Risk management is a crucial part of protecting your small business's finances. By identifying potential risks, developing a risk management plan, purchasing insurance, backing up your data, staying up-to-date on security practices, building a cash reserve, and reviewing your plan regularly, you can help to set up guardrails to protect your business in face of unforeseen events.